What You Should Know About Your Next Home Insurance Policy 

Whether you’re looking for your first home insurance policy or you want to change your current one, there are a few things that you should know before getting started. You’ll need to provide some information about yourself, your property and any special circumstances that may affect coverage costs. You’ll also need to decide if you’d like to get replacement cost or actual cash value coverage, which will affect your rate. 

1. Do Your Homework

Not all home insurance policies are created equal, so it pays to do your homework before buying one. This can include reading the fine print of your policy and understanding what it covers. This can help you decide if the policy will cover the things that are important to you, and it may even save you money in the long run. 

2. Know Your Limits

When you’re shopping for a new home insurance policy, it’s important to know what limits are necessary. Limits are the amount your insurance company will pay if you file a claim. This information can be found in your homeowner’s policy or by talking to your agent. 

For a standard homeowners policy, dwelling coverage is usually set at 100% of the replacement cost. This is to ensure you get enough money to rebuild your home in the event of a total loss. If your house is in an expensive area, it may be worth checking into a higher dwelling replacement limit. Some insurers also offer extended and guaranteed replacement cost coverage. It’s a good idea to ask your agent about these options and shop policy options from multiple home insurance companies. 

3. Review Your Policy

To get the best possible coverage for your hard-earned cash, make sure to read the fine print carefully. The good news is that many insurers will be happy to explain what they do and don’t cover to you. This will go a long way towards making sure you don’t end up with the wrong kind of policy or the right amount of coverage for your needs and budget. Taking the time to read your policy will save you from a costly and potentially devastating claim down the road. There’s nothing more gratifying than knowing you’ve got the coverage you need to avoid financial disaster. The best way to do this is to understand your home insurance policies so you know exactly what you’re getting in the way of protection. 

4. Ask Your Agent Questions

Buying a new home is a big decision, and you want to make sure you understand your homeowner’s insurance policy. Your agent is the best person to help you determine what type of coverage you need and how it will protect your property. 

You need to be sure you’re getting the right amount of coverage at a fair price. Ideally, you should be able to get coverage equal to the value of your home’s structure (called replacement cost) and your personal belongings at actual cash value. Also be sure to ask your agent about riders that can cover items like jewelry, guns, furs, and art. These policies can help you avoid surprises in the event of a claim, and they can be very helpful for people with valuable possessions. 

5. Know The Different Types of Home Insurance

It might seem like common sense, but knowing the different types of home insurance can help you better understand your options and make an informed decision. It also can help you navigate conversations with your insurance agent and ensure that you get the coverage you need at the best price possible. HO-3 policies are open-peril policies, meaning they cover anything that’s not excluded in the policy (like earthquakes and floods). These policies offer more comprehensive coverage than HO-2s, which generally only protect your home’s structure. HO-3s also usually include personal property and liability coverage, as well as additional living expenses if you can’t live in your house because of damage. And while HO-3s are typically the most common type of home insurance, not all insurers offer it. 

How To Save Money On Auto Insurance

If you’re looking for ways to save money on your auto insurance, there are a few different options that can be helpful. Some are quick and easy, while others require more research. But either way, saving a few bucks here and there can help you keep your rates lower in the long run.

What Coverage Do You Need?

• Dropping coverage you don’t need or raising your deductible can make a huge difference in your premium. You may also want to consider reducing your coverage limits or eliminating optional coverages that you don’t really need.

• Driving safely and avoiding collisions or tickets can also save you some money on your auto insurance premium. Some drivers can even qualify for small discounts by taking a defensive driving course.

• Carpooling or using public transportation can also save you some money, as can relocating closer to work or working from home. Drivers who commute or travel less can also get discounts by choosing usage-based coverage that charges them by the mile rather than a flat rate.

• Younger drivers pay significantly higher premiums than older ones, and if you have any accidents or traffic violations on your record, those will add up.

Factors That May Increase Or Decrease Your Monthly Rate

Auto insurance rates are influenced by many different factors, most of which are out of your control. However, understanding the things that may increase or decrease your monthly rate can help you avoid paying more than you should for your coverage.

• Your driving record – Insurers look at your history of moving violations and at-fault accidents to determine your risk level for claims. The better your record, the lower your premiums will be.

• Type of vehicle – Cars that are generally safer to drive, such as sedans and sports cars, tend to have lower rates than trucks or SUVs.

• Credit score – In many states, credit scores are used as a rating tool that predicts whether you’ll pay your premiums on time and file claims. Drivers with poor credit are likely to file more claims than drivers with good credit, leading to higher insurance costs.

• Location – Where you live is also evaluated as a factor that affects your car insurance cost. Cities, for example, often have a higher accident and theft rate than rural areas, so drivers in urban areas can expect to pay more for car insurance.

• Family – Other factors that may influence your car insurance rate include age, marital status, and number of drivers on your policy. Middle-aged and senior drivers generally have lower rates than young and new drivers, while married drivers usually pay less than singles.

When it comes to getting car insurance, the process does not have to be intimidating. When you have qualified agents like those at Kiesling Insurance Agency available to answer your questions and offer guidance, it can make a huge difference to how it feels to get your car covered. Contact them here today: https://kieslinginsuranceagency.com/contact-us/

Life insurance 101 – a beginner’s guide

The general purpose of life insurance is to protect your assets, such as a home and place of business, and your family’s standard of living. If something tragic occurs that causes your death many years before you might more reasonably anticipate, life insurance can settle debts and leave a financial legacy for your beneficiaries.

When you sign up for a life insurance policy, you pay a premium that is partly based on the policy limit. Life insurers also use actuarial tables that assess your general health, age, and general risk of death based on your occupation and other factors when determining your premium.

You might pay the premium all at once, monthly, yearly, or on another predetermined schedule that you work out with your life insurance agent.

Three Kinds of Life Insurance

There are many types of life insurance that are available that generally serve to protect your assets, financial interests, and your family’s standard of living. Your insurance agent can help you to understand which options are available and how they differ from one another. For the most part, you will have the three following options, but many subtypes also exist.

Whole Life

Whole life insurance is also called “permanent life” and provides your family with a financial benefit upon your passing. Many whole life policies are in force for many years and often decades before a claim is filed. Their general purpose is to leave a financial legacy for your beneficiaries.

Most whole life policies require you to pay a monthly or annual premium. A percentage of those premiums goes to the insurer and the rest to an account. That account produces the final payout when you pass on and your family files the claim with a death certificate.

Term Life

Term life is a very affordable alternative to whole life policies. That is because they do not guarantee a final payout. Instead, they pay out only if you pass on during the term for which the policy insures your life.

Term life insurance is often used to protect assets and financial obligations, such as a child’s college tuition.

For example, if you were to obtain a mortgage to buy a house, you could purchase a term life policy that would last for as many years as your mortgage. If you were to die in a car accident or some other cause, the term life could pay off the mortgage. The coverage could also end when you pay off the mortgage and no longer need the additional life insurance protection for your home.


If you have children, you and your spouse might want life insurance to leave a financial legacy for them if you both die much earlier than anticipated. A survivorship life insurance policy can do that.

A survivorship policy is similar to a term life policy but for two people instead of one. It is in force for a number of years and then expires if one of you outlives the term.